’m gonna tell you all the wicked little secrets
wait til you hear this stuff
*rubs hand in evil twist*..
You won’t believe what your eyes are about to smell
hold on to your suntans and get ready,
I call this: “Reality Poetry”..
ooooh, you will be so entertained and I will be so
therapied. <—(Move over Colbert, this word’s mine) It’s going to be my finest moment and face it, you WILL need some popcorn for this. I’ll wait. Go get some.
All the tales of holy cow are about to reach you. Take a deep breath and hold on for the wildest ride of your life… Here Goes: One is sort of like ‘you know’, and three are like ‘exactly that’, two are..unhuh..you guessed it! and one is everything you’re thinking! Tune in every week. When I spill about everyone else… stayed tuned.
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